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A Letter to Those Seeking Clarity and Support as a Relationship Comes to an End

In Blog by Isandra Munoz Bonilla

For a decade, I have belonged to a body of work that is constantly impacting our world in beautiful ways: Transformative Relationship Coaching.  My brilliant teacher and mentor, Katherine Woodward Thomas, my admirable colleagues, and I are continuously engaged in serving clients and students in ways that bring forth more authentic love into the world. I am usually at a loss of words regarding how happy, grateful, and blessed I feel to belong to this tribe. Today is no exception. Recently, we were asked to update our bios for the Conscious Uncoupling Coaches Directories. For me, it is usually a daunting task to use the limited allotted word count to include credentials plus a clear message of what is possible. It is really hard to restrain myself when the words just want to emerge and flow. This time, I decided to begin the process by avoiding to restrain myself.  Instead, I chose to begin by writing an open letter to …